Software Engineering Practices

General Material

  1. Syllabus (NEW August 12 2022)
  2. Ubiquitous Presenter Lecture Notes
  3. Ubiquitous Presenter Interactive Tutorial
  4. Piazza Discussion Board

Exam Information

  1. Midterm Exam Review Sheet (NEW August 12 2022)
  2. Final Exam Review Sheet (NEW August 12 2022)


  1. Homework 1: Basic Process Questions (NEW August 12 2022)


  1. Week 1 Lecture 1 Introduction to Software Failure (NEW August 12 2022)
  2. Week 1 Lecture 2 Software Development Processes (Chapter 1, pgs. 29-42) (NEW August 12 2022)
  3. Week 2 Lecture 1 Requirements and Use Cases (Chapter 5, pgs 277 - 305) (NEW August 12 2022)
  4. Week 2 Lecture 2 Requirements and Use Cases (Chapter 5, Pages 305-329) (NEW August 12 2022)
  5. Week 3 Lecture 1 Configuration Management (NEW August 12 2022)
  6. Week 3 Lecture 2 Object Domain Analysis (Chapter 6, pages 331-358) (NEW August 12 2022)
  7. Week 4 Lecture 1 Object Domain Analysis (Chapter 6, pages 358-398) (NEW August 12 2022)
  8. Week 4 Lecture 2 Defining Object Behavior (Chapter 7, pgs 399-443) (NEW August 12 2022)
  9. Week 5 Lecture 1 Defining Object Behavior (Chapter 7, pgs 443-471) (NEW August 12 2022)
  10. Week 5 Lecture 2 Introduction to Software Reviews and Inspections
  11. Week 6 Lecture 1 Midterm Exam
  12. Week 6 Lecture 2 Design and Design Patterns (Chapter 8, pgs 473-476) (NEW August 12 2022)
  13. Week 7 Lecture 1 Detailed Design and Java Threading (Chapter 10, pages 589-603, 610-614) (NEW August 12 2022)
  14. Week 7 Lecture 2 Implementing State Charts in Source Code (NEW August 12 2022)
  15. Week 8 Lecture 2 Software Testing (NEW August 12 2022)
  16. Week 9 Lecture 1 Software Testing (NEW August 12 2022)
  17. Week 9 Lecture 2 Code Reviews
  18. Week 10 Lecture 1 Project Tracking and Analysis
  19. Week 10 Lecture 2 Wrapup and Final Exam Review

Individual Labs

  1. Lab 1: Java Refresher and Introduction to Software Process (NEW August 12 2022)
  2. Lab 2: The Bank of MSOE (NEW August 12 2022)

Team Labs

  1. Team Lab Resume Request Video
  2. Lab 3: SRS Development (NEW August 12 2022)
  3. Lab 4: SRS Walkthrough and finalization (NEW August 12 2022)
  4. Lab 5: Domain Modeling (NEW August 12 2022)
  5. Lab 6: Software Design (NEW August 12 2022)
  6. Lab 7: Software Implementation (NEW August 12 2022)
  7. Lab 8: Software Testing and Oral presentation (NEW August 12 2022)

2013 Oral presentations

Past Oral Presentations (For Reference Purposes)


  1. EA Usage Tutorial - Class Diagrams
  2. EA Usage Tutorial - Sequence Diagrams
  3. EA Usage Tutorial - Code Generation
  4. EA Usage Tutorial - State Machines
  5. RSM Line of Code Counting Demo
  6. Tortoise SVN Install
  7. Tortoise SVN Usage Demo
  8. LEJOS: A SImple Motor Controller Demo
  9. EA Usage Tutorial - Reverse Engineering SOurce Code